“We Exist Inside Each Other” by Sasha Stiles

Sasha Stiles


We Exist Inside Each Other by Sasha Stiles, those words of the title closing in green
We Exist Inside Each Other by Sasha Stiles, those words of the title closing in green
There Was This Other Side by Sasha Stiles, those words of the title closing in pink
There Was This Other Side by Sasha Stiles, those words of the title closing in pink

opensea.io | video/mp4

Digital textblock based on generative text co-authored by Sasha Stiles and her AI alter ego, Technelegy. 2023. “We exist inside each other” and “There was this other side” are extracted from “Completion: To Write with a Running Brush,” and was first published in The Asian American Writers’ Workshop in a special edition of The Margins in April 2022.

from Rattle #80, Summer 2023
Tribute to NFT Poets


Sasha Stiles (from the conversation): “There are a couple of answers there, some more tactical and logistical and some more conceptual and philosophical and cultural. What first drew me to the blockchain was the impulse to go beyond the bounds of Web2 and the traditional publishing world—to take matters into my own hands and explore creatively what I could do and write and distribute. Rather than trying to fit my existing work into traditional outlets, I could let my work dictate how it made its way into the world. I could, for example, publish an mp4 poem instead of printing stills. I could envision a poem as an interactive or generative text, or a VR piece or AR filter, a browser-based project. These kinds of poems can be adapted to fit in paper journals or even in online zines but can’t fully exist as they’re meant to outside of Web3.”(web)

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