Translated from the Norwegian by Robert Hedin and the author
—from Rattle #77, Fall 2022
Tribute to Translation
Dag T. Straumsvåg was born in 1964 in Kristiansund, a city on the sparsely populated coastline of western Norway and raised in the nearby village of Tingvoll. He is the author and translator of seven books of poetry, and his work has appeared in a wide range of journals in Norway, Canada, and the United States. | Robert Hedin: “I have been translating the prose poems of Dag T. Straumsvåg for more than twenty years. What attracted me to his poems in the first place was their quirky, quixotic nature. As seen in ‘Resurgam in the Delta Pavonis System,’ his work is lively, idiosyncratic, and, above all, endlessly inventive—brief, jazz-like riffs that often voyage off the map into worlds where nothing is as it seems. The result is work that is filled with the playful joys of discovery, of the imagination, the immemorial spirit of the creative journey itself.” (web)