lqmcdonaldthethird not gold the dawn
#wordsofnature #poem #poetry #naturepoetry #poems
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#lovepoemsofinstagram #poetsandwriters #poemsofig
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#poetrylovers #instapoem #poemsoninstagram #spilledink
#poemcommunity #poetrylife #lovepoetry
—from Rattle #64, Summer 2019
Tribute to Instagram Poets
LQ McDonald III: “As poems for me are quick-born and capricious eruptions, it is nice to have a medium that allows for instant exposure of those emotional expressions. Getting them out in front of people in such an immediate manner allows me to connect with their reaction to the words in the same way that I connect with the words themselves; spontaneously and directly. I think you can lose some of the gravity of the art with a medium like Instagram and differentiating yourself can be difficult with so much unabridged material to choose from.” (web)