—from Rattle #62, Winter 2018
Marc Di Martino: “Poetry for me is largely an experiment in surprise, not unlike going to bed in one place and waking up in another. I love to get swept up by a poem as it invents its own logic, hanging on for dear life just to see what happens in the end. Writing, however, is not always such a pleasurable experience. ‘Dear Cuck’ takes its title from an actual email I received from someone in the poetry ‘community.’ The author proceeded to insult me in ways not very different from those showcased in the poem itself, and for reasons—I gather—of political affiliation and psychological predisposition. I wanted to tie this brand of prejudice to its literary forebears, Messrs. Pound and Eliot. I assume any reader familiar with the so-called ‘alt-right’ will know who ‘Daddy’ is.” (web)