“Darkness of the Mind” by Vy Hong

Vy Hong (age 14)


She lies in the darkness
Thinking of what used to be
Suffering is part of life
No one told her it would be this hard
Thinking of what used to be
She cries alone in her room
No one told her it would be this hard
Her mind is a prison cell she’s stuck in
She cries alone in her room
Remembering the moment
Her mind is a prison cell she’s stuck in
There’s no one to help her
Remembering the moment
Opens the wounds of his words
There’s no one to help her
She slips and falls off the edge of sanity
Opening the wounds of his words
She sits at the bottom
She slips and falls off the edge of sanity
Her mouth is silent as her mind races
She sits at the bottom
Thinking of the scars he left
Her mouth is silent as her mind races
Deep cuts let her heart bleed out
Thinking of the scars he left
How suffering is part of life
The night closes in and clouds block the stars
She lies in the darkness

from 2023 Rattle Young Poets Anthology


Why do you like to write poetry?

Vy Hong: “While I don’t often write poetry, I find that it is a good way for me to become inspired to write. Writing poetry allows me to get into a headspace to sit down and write, which is most of the time the hardest part. Some sort of accomplished feeling comes from creating anything you’re proud of and poetry often helps me stay motivated to continue writing and continue feeling accomplished and proud of myself.”

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