September 16, 2021

Lyn Lifshin


I think by “good” he means “sexy.” Poems
about stopping on back roads in the car with
a bigger front seat, not even waiting for
a road off a road but pulling velvet and denim
off like roast skin from a turkey. I don’t tell
him, maybe I should but the poems dripping
love juice and pubic hair were written when
I wasn’t getting any. A virgin after eight years,

my mind was never not on erotic movies in
my head where even the music was the in and
out of bodies. I had time in the raised ranch
to dream a man would emerge from the trees,
fantasize slow afternoons behind chiffon drapes
in the bed of white silk until it ripped. Years my
arms ached for more than the tiger cats and
the buff kitten. If a man wrote me from some

coast I opened on paper to him, came on to
strangers and convicts on the page. Those sheets
always felt safe enough to let them know their
words got me wet, even my hair was horny. I
wrote about what wasn’t there, what left a hole
I was terrified I’d drown in. “Writing like a hippie
but living like a nun,” a magazine quoted me
and probably I said it. It was the way those in

the concentration camp talked of food, of seeing
light, the moon, were famished for the smell of
bread. Fantasized chicken, apples, beef, all the things
they’d never thought much about when they had
more than they could devour as, baby, I do now.

from Rattle #15, Summer 2001
Tribute to the Underground Press


Lyn Lifshin: “Poetry and ballet are like breathing to me. These are my main obsessions, along with Abyssinian cats, velvet, blues, the sound of geese in blackness, raspberry coffee, roses, stained glass and colored beads. My happy time comes from reading short stories on the metro returning from ballet lessons.” (web)

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January 17, 2019

Ben L. Hiatt


It was 1968
& I was using
paper masters
to print poetry

you’d type directly
on them
or draw with
a special pen

then slap them
on an offset press
and start printing

my 4-year-old son
was always
used near
as much paper
as I did

I gave him the master
for page 22 & 23
the centerfold
for that issue
of The Grande Ronde Review
told him to draw
whatever he wanted
& went back to printing

finished, he handed me
the paper plate
told me it was
ready to print

he’d turned it wrong
the page numbers
were at the top
upside down
to his drawings

now he is 35 years old
and I have one copy
of that old poetry mag

centerfold signed
by his small hand
page numbers printed
upside down
on the centerfold
& the memory
of the look in his eyes
as he watched
his art, page
after page after page
of it
ripping out of that press

from Rattle #15, Summer 2001
Tribute to the Underground Press


Ben L. Hiatt: “Poetry is not something you do; it’s something you are.”

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January 11, 2014

Amiri Baraka


And breathing. Like a bird choked on air. And sun come in still. Stunned.
And be about you being. And as still not seein’
No way in from out. Or reverse, or worse. Stunned
From thinking all the every part of day and night, and still not never
Nobody say you right. Or wrong. No they do say that.

Stunned. And not young anymore. Maybe never, not really
That. Old enough to breathe in trap door logic. In amazement. And stirred around
By what you know you don’t and don’t. As if they cd spell the matter better
Or trail the dog who need killing faster. Ok.

They is everywhere you is not, except where you swear you is going.
And them that look at you say that don’t exist in the 1st second and 3rd places

I wanted to be myself but knowing something beside that. And found out
That everything was locked in time and space and that you could find out anything
If you had the time and space and method and direction. Imagine the lost

Where you were thinking about dumb shit and didn’t know it was that.

Here’s a game
If you aint in sane
Look at the missing part of your image in the mirror
Now say to everybody who need to see this
There aint nothing missing

from Rattle #15, Summer 2001
Tribute to the Underground Press

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