What does an average worker need to know
about Benghazi, emails or my friends?
Show weakness, and demands may only grow
for voters to reject this quid pro quo
I brokered so we can achieve our ends.
What does an average worker need? To know
conspiracies expand and change, although
I am the one who can reverse those trends.
Show weakness, and demands may only grow
to find some blow-dried young politico
who thinks he’s Reaganesque as he ascends.
What does an average worker need? To know
that there is nowhere that I wouldn’t go
for programs that will pay back dividends.
Show weakness, and demands will only grow,
then progress toward equality will slow.
Don’t trust reports reporters must defend!
What does an average worker need to know?
Show weakness and demands will only grow.
—Poets Respond
July 5, 2015
A.M. Juster: “I wrote this after an article in the New York Times, ‘Benghazi Emails Put Focus on Hillary Clinton’s Encouragement of Advisor,’ June 29, 2015.” (website)