February 14, 2015

Elliot L. Armitage (age 12)


Why are you nibbling on my crust?
I ask. Sometimes my sister seems not
to notice even when I talk at a 3
directly to her. she seems to have
already disembarked on An
adventure the internet a book
some cheesy newspaper comics.

Soleil says It ruined her life
hazel too clara included The
monster inside the keyboard
hasn’t devoured ruby Yet
sometimes I wish It had
Not now. Sitting on my toilet
talking to a nobody a
non-hearing nobody. but hey
Responds she does. apparently
it was just imaginary deafness

from 2015 Rattle Young Poets Anthology


Why do you like to write poetry?

Elliot L. Armitage: “When I write poetry, I feel like I empty myself and then I can start myself anew.”

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February 7, 2015

Danelle Antelo (age 13)


I still remember, many years ago,
walking to the kitchen, and seeing
my mom holding an egg
carefully in the palm of her hand,
as if it was a delicate diamond.

Slowly she walked towards the stove,
struggling not to drop the precious jewel,
however from her fingers the egg slipped,
breaking against the hard tile floor.

Her face contorted in pain,
as if the pieces of the cracked shell
were connected to her own heart.

She sunk, on her knees, to the floor
a stream of tears rolling down her face,
muffled sobs escaped her opened lips.

As panic takes over,
I run to my mom struggling to comfort her,
trying to comprehend.

“It shouldn’t have fallen apart—
it can’t fall apart—
why would I let us fall apart?”

Her voice trembling, she whispers
the painful words that echo through the house.

The missing car from the driveway,
the empty drawers that once belonged to her husband,
make it clear, the egg isn’t the cause of her broken heart.

from 2015 Rattle Young Poets Anthology

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January 31, 2015

Gabriella Altmanni (age 15)


When my father came home
I asked him how his day was
Lines on his forehead emerged
Like crossroads
They lined the explanation of his sadness

My Grandmother always quoted her favorite book,
Life Is With People
Yet when her life ended
She left so many behind

My Grandmother was a history teacher
She erased crossroads on the forehead
Of every person she met
When she was diagnosed with cancer for the third time
All the pencils erasers in the world
Could not save her

Dear Grandma,
If you had more time
I could have asked you to teach me history,
But even time
Cannot rewrite yours

from 2015 Rattle Young Poets Anthology

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December 27, 2014

Tianyue Xia (age 8)


I want to tell the fish,
Eat only the bait,
not the hook.
When you eat the bait,
start from its edge and
slowly gnaw 
bit by bit.
Never ever gobble it in one go.

from 2014 Rattle Young Poets Anthology


Why do you like to write poetry?

Tianyue Xia: “Poems are beautiful. When I want to share a secret with a friend and don’t want others to know it, I can say it in the poem. I like Su Dongpo best among all the ancient Chinese poets. He wrote the greatest poem about the moon. And I’m the moon. I like Du Fu, too, because I can understand his poems.”

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December 20, 2014

Fiona Lauradunn Woolf (age 8)


You’re sitting in Mrs. Cuftor’s house
You’re drinking a glass of tea
The unknown is the door behind you that leads to someplace mysterious
And you’re wondering about the humming on the deck
And the piano playing without fingers
And the sound of typewriting
You hear dark music from the mysterious door behind you
You take the cup of tea away from your lips
You stand up, and Mrs. Cuftor says
Stay awhile …

from 2014 Rattle Young Poets Anthology


Why do you like to write poetry?

Fiona Lauradunn Woolf: “I like to write poetry because it doesn’t have to make sense. And if you’re having something bad that is happening, you can write about it. And a poem can be almost anything. You could make it lyrics to a song, or you could make it words to a story. But the main reason I like to write poetry is because you’re putting your feelings on a blank piece of paper and you can express yourself however you want.”

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December 13, 2014

E. Wen Wong (age 11)


Until one summer
they said I was deaf
I didn’t listen
I couldn’t 
even if I wanted to.
Until one summer
they said I was quiet
I didn’t listen
I couldn’t 
even if I wanted to.
Until one summer
they said I was daft
I didn’t listen
I couldn’t 
even if I wanted to.
One summer
they said I was kind
I listened
what a sweet sound
I could hear.

from 2014 Rattle Young Poets Anthology


Why do you like to write poetry?

E. Wen Wong: “I think of poetry as an art to transfer our thoughts about the world, or imagination that lives around us, onto paper. It’s as if we can connect with an audience through poetry by implementing surprises, unique stanzas, or even a single special word to catch their attention. Lastly, in my view, our minds are search engines constantly producing ideas to make an impact on the world, whether it is big or small.”

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December 6, 2014

Ben Wilson (age 10)


In the forest
a man sits
a tree stands high
a river runs through his silence.

from 2014 Rattle Young Poets Anthology

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Why do you like to write poetry?

Ben Wilson: “I like writing poetry because it makes me feel like I am in another world and I forget about the normal world.”

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