July 29, 2009

Ed Galing


germany looks real
good now,
the hills are quiet
the rivers flow smooth
there is an air of
as our travel bus
and the travel guide
tells us all about
in his german clipped
we all look out the
side windows,
absorb this land
of kings, and wars,
and there are forty
of us,
around my age, or a
bit younger,
and this is their first
trip to germany, but not
I was here during world
war two, as a soldier
in the 3rd army,
and saw the concentration
camps of dachau
where we are now
the autobahn is a great
way to travel,
almost like I ninety five,
something good that hitler
left behind,
and soon we are disembarked,
and we all walk through
the gates of dachau,
this german guide is so
pleasant, and in soft voice
describes the torture chambers
of long ago,
still here,
while everyone looks on in shock
and dismay, they can’t believe
it, you can see the horror in their
and then we are marched into
the place where two ovens
are still,
where bodies were once burned
without remorse,


and I find it looks
just the same as it did
more than fifty years
when I was here last,
I look at the german
guide and wonder
where he was during
the war,
perhaps he was one
of those nazis that even
worked at this infamous
there is no way for me
to know, except that
he must have passed the
u.s. intelligence survey,
or he would have been hung
up like the rest in
the group stands before
the two big ovens
while the guide speaks
in a low voice about the
many humans who were
put to death here,
and the group shake their
heads, and some weep a bit,
and it’s just the way it
was when I last stood here
myself, after the war,
except the piles of broken teeth,
jewelry, clothing, are all gone
there is an uneasy feeling
about all of this,
as if I am living in a nightmare
while this group are merely onlookers
who always squirm, even back home,
when they read gory accounts of
death, at home; a kind of aloofness,
after all, it didn’t happen to them…
after some time we all pile
back into the bus, and it is
beginning to rain,
and the sky is getting dark,
and I get an uneasy funny


and call me foolish
but as the bus pulls
with all of us inside,
and the german guide
with the big moustache
has a funny look in his
and the german bus driver
is so silent,
I think, what if this bus,
with all of us innocent
are all on our way to some
death camp,
somewhere here in germany,
that nobody knows about,
and we are headed there now,
and nobody will know,
and nobody will find us,
and we will all wind up like
those in dachau…
once again,
and I close my eyes, and try
to sleep, to forget the
thought of it.

from Rattle #30, Winter 2008


Ed Galing: “I was 92 in June, and since my memory is still good I like to write about the ‘old days.’ Seems like they were the best. With the bad economy now, maybe there will soon be another ‘marathon’ dance!”

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November 19, 2008

Ed Galing


from the outside it
looks like a college
campus, situated off the
highway, with a long road
that leads to the front
entrance, with large white
columns on either side,
rather than the psychiatric
hospital where my wife has
been for two weeks now,
because they said she was
deeply depressed, at age
sixty, writing strange
messages on back of photos
and speaking about death all
the time, the doctor advised
a few weeks of medication and
treatment, away from stress,
and unable to cope with daily
life, so now i come to see
her on visiting day, and i sit
in the waiting room while they
go to get her, watching the passing
parade of doctors and nurses, in this
antiseptic prison, mostly drug addicts,
and alzheimers here, and my wife
comes towards me, unbelievably pretty,
slim, her hair well done, smiling,
as we embrace…no one close to watch
us, and i feel guilty, having her
put away like this, so we sit for
awhile, and she tells me they are
taking good care of her, and she
is getting better, and then she takes
me to her room, to show me the bed and
well-used dresser, and we hold each other,
and i feel as if this is not us, like this,
but someone else, she tells me they are
having a dance down in the recreation
room, and asks if i want to go, of course,
so we go downstairs, where the others are
already dancing on the floor to a jukebox,
while others stand by to watch us, and we
dance together, hold each other, i feel her
body, just like the old days, and everyone
smiles and says we look good together, you
would think this was just a regular dance
somewhere on the outside, instead of a
mental hospital, and for awhile i imagine
that it’s really true, and i love her so
much, and hope there is a cure
so she can come home soon, and later
we go to the cafeteria for
dinner, and i get in line
with her, a long line, all
headed for the steam table,
and we sit down at a table
to eat, and my wife begins
to cry a bit, and asks me
when i can take her home…
she tells me she loves me,
and i tell her the same…
we then sit in the lobby,
and my wife seems tired now,
and not so spry as before,
she says she is sleepy, and
wants to go to bed, and soon
a nurse comes to take her gently
by the arm, to escort her to her
room…i hug her, and whisper that
i will be back next week, she nods,
turns away from me, and i watch her
disappear down the hall, my heart
crying, as i head for my car, to
return to my lonely home, where
we have lived for forty years,
some days are better than others.
this is one of the better ones.

from Rattle #26, Winter 2006
Tribute to the Greatest Generation

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