June 15, 2022

Jim Peterson


for Harriet

You have done everything
There is nothing left to do
Your wrongs are now right
Your rights are still right
You can let go now
Let go of your eyes
that have seen too much
and too little,
your hands that have played
the strings, the keys,
the skins of animals
stretched tight over the drums
Let go of the horses,
the loving of them,
the training, riding them
to victories and losses,
standing with them
in midnight pastures
full of cool breezes
Let go of your face
you pressed so often
into your own hands
Let go of your tongue,
the taste of food,
the taste of words
Let go of your voice
that rode the breath
of your songs
Let go of your knees, elbows,
shoulders, belly, genitals
Let go of your feet
No need to stand on them
or see them or touch them again
Let go of your hair, skin,
beauty, ugliness, scent
Let go of your heart
its love and its hate and its fear
Let go of your friends
and your enemies,
your mother and father,
your brothers and sisters,
the assorted smiles you gave them
Let go of your mind
its thoughts, its hopes, its dreams,
its attitudes, its knowledge,
its assumptions, its underlying
beliefs, its overbearing beliefs,
Let go of every one of them
They won’t help you now
Let go of your dog
who lies at the foot of your bed
She studies every labored breath you take
I will keep her safe
Let go of me
who sits beside you
holding your right hand
where these words
fall out of me like leaves
I want to go
through that door with you
but nothing and no one can do that
You won’t miss us anyway
when you get there
There is nothing more to do
Nothing all day and all night
Nothing under the sheets
Nothing within the mirror
Everything has been said
Except this
When you get there
do not be distracted
Go into the light
And this
Be at peace
I love you
I know you love me
You are ready for this
This is the time
Go into the light
Be at peace
You have let it all go
It cannot hold you
to this place any more

from Rattle #75, Spring 2022


Jim Peterson: “I started writing poems in high school because I couldn’t dance, sing, play an instrument, paint, or even whistle melodically, and I really wanted to be an artist of some kind. After writing for a while, I fell in love with it, though my poems were melodramatic and sentimental. Now, I’m writing poems to celebrate the life I shared with Harriet, to purge myself of my sorrow and grief over her illness and death, and to shed light on the long healing process. She still teaches me.”

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February 22, 2021

Jim Peterson


for Harriet

I followed you up the face
of that cliff-riddled mountain.
I am tall, stiff, scared of heights.

You are small, lithe, quick and not
scared of anything in the physical
world. At first the easy handholds

and footholds gave me confidence.
But narrow ledges curving under
overhangs began to take their toll.

I stalled, my face pressed to rock,
no way forward or back. The fall
was steep for three hundred feet,

then a sloped field of boulders, then
the tops of firs rising toward us.
You coached, guided my hand

to a hold I couldn’t see, and suddenly
I could swing around to you.
We grew silent in our climbing

as the sun beat down on us hot
and the wind whipped us cold.
You led the way, finding routes

that only a lizard would see. The top
was faraway above us and out
of sight. I kept my eyes straight

ahead on the rock, feeling
for the next hold. Or I watched
the soles of your feet, your

swaying butt, the braid of your long
blond hair swinging back and forth.
On a steeper, more difficult face

you kept describing finger holds,
but when I reached, they felt like
band aids stuck to the stone.

Still, I made the next ledge again
and again. The shadows of hawks
and eagles flashed across me as if

I’d become stone myself. I could
hear your words, but I didn’t listen.
Wind whistled and whispered across

the countenances of great cliffs.
A hawk’s shrill cry scattered down
the valley of crags and spires.

I watched the wavy shadow-feet
of clouds as if they knew the way
home. Your voice fell on me

from above like my own thoughts,
saying to keep reaching and feeling,
to keep moving. And I did, managing

somehow to trust the sliver of an edge
to pull myself up to you. We sat
for hours on that ledge, our bodies

fused at hip and shoulder. The vastness
swirled and thickened. Our eyes
and ears traveled so far into the unknown,

we could barely breathe.

from Rattle #70, Winter 2020


Jim Peterson: “When I was just a kid, because of a fine teacher I started writing poems. It was a good way for this shy boy to tell a girl I loved her or to express my sadness at my friend’s unexpected death. Once I started, I never stopped. These poems combine those two impulses—poems for my beloved and deceased wife, Harriet.” (web)


Jim Peterson was the guest on Rattlecast #69. Click here to watch …

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