December 10, 2022

Chris Bullard


The mate in spandex straps us, front and back,
to flapping canvas sail and walks us backwards
to the speedboat’s slippery stern, back
to where the blue-green sea roils in the backwash.
You shout, “This is great,” but I shout back,
“Let’s ask the captain for our money back.”
And then a windstorm lifts us. Looking back,
I see us rising, slipping off the back
from safety into sky. The one way back
is down. I yell, “Too high!” and pull you back
though you’re not scared—not here, or back
at home, where I press, sleeping, to your back,
afraid to lose you, who holds nothing back.

from Rattle #32, Winter 2009
Tribute to the Sonnet


Chris Bullard: “I wrote this sonnet in Kim Addonizio’s workshop at the West Chester University Poetry Conference. Kim wanted us to invent a new poetic form. I was interested in the ghazal with its repetitive use of the same word in different contexts. I found, as I worked on this poem, that I could create a similar effect within the sonnet form. Call it a sonzal. Kim offered some suggestions on my first draft that I incorporated into this version.”

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June 11, 2013

Chris Bullard


It was so familiar. The spaceship,
saucer-shaped and brilliantly lit,
conformed to every expectation
we had concerning spaceships,
though this particular one hadn’t
touched earth before. The crew,
grey, oval-headed and humanoid,
were immediately identifiable
as extraterrestrials, as they met
our stereotypes of space aliens
from innumerable lousy movies.
If their nonchalance registered
as the same nonchalance frat boys
show as they shrug away the wreck
of a father’s expensive sports car,
we could still empathize. Weren’t
they checking us out like a girl
at her debutante ball looking for
the right one among the bachelors.
Hadn’t they come looking for us?
But it seemed they didn’t want
our natural resources. They didn’t
want to mate with our daughters.
When we tried to communicate
by symbols, by music, by neon
digital billboards, they wrinkled
their lipless mouths and laughed.
We knew, of course, it was laughter.

from Rattle #38, Winter 2012
Tribute to Speculative Poetry


Chris Bullard: “I wrote this poem in response to Lawrence Raab’s marvelous ‘Another Argument about the Impossible.’ I was attending a writing seminar with Stephen Dunn and I had heard that Raab’s poem recounted a conversation between the two poets about worthwhile poetic subjects. My poem was an attempt to muscle in on their dialogue. I read an early version of my poem to Dunn and he laughed. I am relatively sure that this wasn’t the laugh of estrangement we receive from my aliens.”

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