“Fucking the Gap” by T.L. Burns

T.L. Burns


I heard about this bloke,
Who used to put his dick in a
Sandwich bag,
And squirt a load of Vaseline 
He’d then mush it all around
His dick,
Before proceeding to get down
On his knees, 
After which
He’d lift up the mattress, stick
His dick-bag in,
And then fuck the gap between
It and the bed.
I’m not sure if he was crazy or
A genius,
The gap between the two is slim.
About the same width of the gap
He fucked,
I guess.

from Rattle #44, Summer 2014


T.L. Burns: “‘When I see a couple of kids/ and guess he’s fucking her and she’s/ taking pills or wearing a diaphragm/ I know this is paradise/ everyone old has dreamed of all their lives …’ When I first read those opening lines from Philip Larkin’s ‘High Windows’ many years ago, I knew I too wanted to be a poet. Where else could one talk about a diaphragm and paradise in the same sentence and make it sound so beautiful?” (website)

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