September 8, 2014

Byron Case


To find for yourself, at this late stage,
something like joy. To tease up her skirts,
a dirty old man. To moisten your fingers almost
jubilantly. To touch and be stirred, even a little.
To be content with this. Why not? Near-joy knows you well
enough. You’ve flirted with her all your life: the cream
sodas on hot afternoons, the colorfully wrapped birthday gifts
given and received, the sodden aftermaths of school dances,
the jokes well told, the long aimless drives in September.
She spreads herself wide through these.
Back when you still had all your hair, when you
didn’t buy E.D. treatments on the Internet,
you had no idea that joy wouldn’t give it over,
that she was saving herself for someone else.
She withheld, so you drunk-dialed the one who came
in that sorry dress six years hopelessly past fashion,
and you did what you did and liked it.
And that was okay, like now. But now
it’s better because you know and can smile
minutely that she’s what you’ve got, sure thing.

from Rattle #43, Spring 2014
Tribute to Love Poems


Byron Case: “Confined for many years to maximum-security prison, I haven’t exactly had a surfeit of opportunity for intellectual satisfaction. Ditto creative indulgence. Which is to say, as much as for the childish delight I get from language, I write for a sense that my inner life, at least, isn’t being wasted.” (website)

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January 12, 2001

Love Poems

Conversation with
Troy Jollimore


Rattle #43Rattle #43 focuses on the love poem, with new work by 40 poets. From sonnets, triolets, and villanelles, to free verse, letters, and lyrics—we spent a year looking for love, in all the ways a poet can slice it. Old love new love, red love, blue love. Mean love, green love, thick love, lean love. In one poem kissing is a religion, another’s love is for a chicken. The issue is a strange brew, but love potions often are. To help make sense of it all, we interview poet and philosopher Troy Jollimore, author of the non-fiction book Love’s Vision.


Love Poems

Audio Available Heather Altfeld Letter to Dick from Time
Audio Available Mary Block Crown for a Young Marriage
Audio Available Ace Boggess Mango Smoothie
Audio Available Paula Bonnell My Ordinary Love
Byron Case Joy
Audio Available Michael Cavanagh Cavalier
Audio Available Elizabeth Chapman The Day Is the Island
Jim Daniels The Grand Design
Danielle DeTiberus In a Black Tank-Top
Jehanne Dubrow The Valhalla Machine
Conrad Geller And Have I Loved You?
Audio Available Benjamin S. Grossberg The Space Traveler’s Crush
Audio Available Mark D. Hart Ichabod
Jackleen Holton Hooters
Troy Jollimore Tamara
Jill Jupen The Space Between
Audio Available Susan Doble Kaluza Kissing as a Religion
Audio Available Courtney Kampa Nocturne in What Now Feels like …
Audio Available Nathan Landau Aftermath
Audio Available Timothy Liu The Lovers
Audio Available Love Poem
James Davis May Nostos
Emily Montgomery Something Beautiful
Audio Available Leonard Orr Optimist
George Ovitt Why I Like Marriage
John Poch The Difference at Café D’Arthe
Pamela Rasso Three Weeks with Etheridge Knight
Audio Available Christine Rhein Speaking in Code
Audio Available Timothy Schirmer Orange Marmalade
Lauren Schmidt My Father Asks Me to Kill Him
Mather Schneider Free-Form Bolero
Charlotte Seley Bright Red Bit
Audio Available Eric Paul Shaffer Valediction, on Arriving …
Audio Available Myra Shapiro The Alteration of Love
Audio Available Mark Smith-Soto Satori
Audio Available Joanna Solfrian Instead of a Victorian Novel …
Audio Available John L. Stanizzi Triolet for Carol
Audio Available Charles Harper Webb Burka
Holly Welker Dip
Audio Available Richard Widerkehr In the Presence of Absence
Audio Available Dominika Wrozynski Desert Love Poem


Troy Jollimore

Cover Art

Jacqui Larsen